July 27, 2008

Making Innovation Work

The book I've been reading last week is Making Innovation Work. It contains dozens of tools and insights that I'm really looking forward to telling to my clients and students. Check this quote that I read yesterday by the pool:
"Too often companies pass up really good ideas because the opportunities do not seem to be part of their business. Instead, the companies invest in less attractive opportunities that fit their concept of what business they are in. In other words, companies conform to their limited mental model of their business and competences instead of seeing what their real strengths are".
We should fight the lack of perspective by reading, researching, traveling, talking to interesting people, keeping our eyes open and -of course- bringing fresh air to our board.

In my research for interesting concepts in retail, all I've found after two visits to Miami Beach is the Ralph Lauren Bar, located at the entrance of the store. I think it's smart to stretch the power of the brand in order to improve somehow the shopping experience.


  1. HI, Alvaro. Everything you say it is quite interesting. I would like to meet you sometime. Any plans about coming to Alicante in the near future? Un beso

  2. Thank you so much for your reply. Please, let me know when you come by next time and we could perhaps meet for business. I work in a local television station and I am very keen to know your innovation proposals about the media. Would you? All the best,


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